
Posts Tagged ‘russian dating

Its time to talk women, since Russia is famous for its women as well as its history and culture. If you are an English man, eat from the plate of fine caviar and move up the menu from fish and chips. Lets open our ‘stereotypes’ tin can again and pick on stereotypical Russian girls. Lets get basic and testosterone driven.

What is about Russian women that slightly scares me? Many Russian chicks are very attractive. I have to be honest and say they are not as attractive as Slovak women. I know this, as I lived in Slovakia for five happy years. Admittedly, I was and still am married, so I only looked at them as one would look salivating at a cake in patisserie shop window. I even taught English to some Slovak girls who would not have looked out of place at a model fashion shoot. I kept my beast chained to his stake and concentrated on verbs and idioms. It was not so easy but verbs and grammar are a great cold shower when you are teaching a stunning woman. I digress, Russian woman are our serious analysis here.

Russian girls look ‘Russian’, you can tell they are Russian without hearing them speak. Its the lips, eyes and the face that give it away. I find them beautiful but sometimes frighting, they look like they could crack open your nuts with their knees. They look confident and sometimes cold and often speak very good English. I spoke with one the other day and she said ‘there you go’ when she gave me my gym membership card back. I have always hated ‘diluted’ English and especially ‘Americanisms’ that have invaded every country now. What she should have said is ‘there you are’ but I let it go and forgot about it as she was very pretty, I felt scared of her and I don’t speak Russian. Diluted English is another topic and is a pet hate of mine. American English at times, seems to have over taken British English. As much as I love them, I blame Hollywood movies (films!).

The average white ‘English’ girl, nowadays who is young, is often fat, loud and drunk, especially on a Friday night in any town throughout England. Not a pretty sight. low cut jeans, g-string or ‘thong’ (or whatever they are called), poking over the top of her trousers, she has a short t-shirt and her two rolls of fat hang over her belt, her back or shoulders are tattooed with a unicorn and her hair is dyed to the degree of burnt sun dried straw. In short, not a pretty sight. Its time to leave a washed up England, and move from a cheap beer to a fine wine in women quality. The UK is now one of worst countries in Europe for obesity (see link) and heavy drinking (see link).

On the other side of the fence, Russian girls are often tall and elegant, although sometimes dressed slightly eccentrically with strange knee length boots, they are not so tarty in my own opinion. They are confident and beautiful. If you are a young man or a single, but rich professional, thinking of moving to Russia, you will not go hungry. I am not suggesting Russian girls are ‘easy” and regrettably I have no experience of them, but I think some may latch onto you as they want a better life and an escape from their lives here. Like all women, they want financial security, however love can also be the reason for marrying a foreign guy.

To most women, a foreign man is always an attractive package, like a handbag made in Italy. Eating out is often more fun than eating at home. Be their meal. If you are brave, get yourself over here and party. Drink from a new glass and dine on total beauty. But be careful, your heart may get broken as visa regulations are tough to cruel here and love may get painful and rather expensive. See it as an experience and live a little. Russia is calling you. She is exotic and waiting.

Note: Not all English women are fat and ugly and many people drink heavily in Russia, its not limited to the UK. I am only looking at stereotypes since we have so many now. Of course, all women are different but I have chosen to look at expected stereotypes as seen by foreign men and as shown in the popular media.

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